The power of eschool is in the beneficial support

Here comes the support

A helpful team is ready 24/7 to support you to develop your work successfully

Our support team is divided into four departments:

Daily Consulting

Due to the large amount of data and to the daily work of the staff on the system , employees in the school may need to ask any question about the system or about any other technology in the school. For that a special team is ready to answer calls and help schools. In addition to sending a person to the school to get the work which is a special service from eschool.

Special Update Services

A school may need a specific update on the system, for that another team that have more programming abilities are ready to get this update for the school done during 24 hours

Weekly visits

Regardless of daily consultancy and special update services weekly visits are made for the schools to make sure that the system is working correctly and the administrative staff have no problems with it, and take any feedback for further updates later.

Monthly release

Our programmers and designers team work daily on developing the system according to the feedback from the schools. All updates are being developed in the system according to their priorities. At the end of each month a new version will be released and installed in all schools in one day.